اگر عطار، هیچ کتابی به جز منطقالطیر و مصیبتنامه نمیداشت،
کافی بود تا یکی از عظیمترین مردان کل تاریخ بشر، محسوب گردد.
«سرشت و سرنوشت: گفتگو با دکتر غلامحسین ابراهیمی دینانی»
منطقالطیر عطار نیشابوری، بزرگترین تمثیل عرفانی در جهان اسلامی است
و امروز یکی از بزرگترین آثار عرفانی جهان به شمار میرود.
«دائرةالمعارف بزرگ اسلامی»
April 14 is national day for commemoration of Farid ud-Din Attar Neyshaburi (Attar of Nishapur) in his turquoise dome in Neyshabur (or Nishapur or Abarshahr). Neyshabur is capital of the Neyshabur County; former capital of Province Khorasan, in northeastern Iran; and contemporary cultural capital of khorasan. This city, is situated in a fertile plain at the foot of the Mount Binalud that is ancient name is revand or reyvand Attar Neyshaburi was a Persian Muslim poet, theoretician of Sufism, and hagiographer from
Nishapur who had an immense and lasting influence on Persian poetry and Sufism
He was a master of traditional Iranian medicine, a student of Sheikh Majdeddin Baqdadi; during his lifetime in Iran, herbal drugs were popular. Therefore, by profession Attar was similar to a modern-day doctor who mixed these herbs and their extracts to cure illnesses
Till his death in his 70s, he created about 180 pieces
Attar travelled seven lands of love in his work Mantegh-ol-Teyr (Logic of flying or "The Conference Of The Birds") which are: Quest, Love, Understanding, Independence and Detachment, Unity, Astonishment and Bewilderment, Deprivation and Death
He was killed during the Mongol invasion in 1221.Every year on the 25th day of the Persian new year (april 14th), a ceremonial festivities in commemoration of Attar Neyshaburi takes place all around Iran. See
Rael Iran